Ashley Davidoff MD

Ashley Davidoff MD 133531
A Ghost FAce
Monster Hydroceles of a Newborn
Ashley Davidoff MD
![]() Pituitary Control |
72353 pituitary gland posterior pituitary gland thyroid adrenal cortex pancreas insulin bone muscle growth adipose tissue fat glucose parathyroid gland calcium breast lactation prolactin ovary estrogen FSH progesterone testis testes testosterone function physiology specialised function control endocrine system Davidoff art Davidoff drawing Davidoff MD |

Ashley Davidoff MD
At the meat market I came across the brain of a cow and the testes of a bull and a single testis was almost the size of the brain An average adult scrotal circumference is 30cms and the weight of a pair of bulls testes can be up to 700grams while the weight of a cows brain is between 450-500 grams. cow bull testis brain liver Athens meat market Greece copyright 2010

Ashley Davidoff MD

Ashley DAvidoff MD 84657p

Ashley Davidoff MD

Giving the Testes Fresh Air