Acute Orchitis

50 M with US showing heterogeneous testis likely reflecting orchitis
Ashley Davidoff
50 M with US showing heterogeneous testis likely reflecting orchitis
Ashley Davidoff

US in the transverse plane through both testes shows thickening of the skin overlying the right testis, enlargement, heterogeneity and overall decrease in echogenicity of the right testis all consistent with the diagnosis of orchitis.
Ashley Davidoff MD
Doppler US in the transverse plane through both testes shows hypervascularity of the right testis consistent with the diagnosis of orchitis.
Ashley Davidoff MD

Doppler US in the sagittal plane through testes shows hyperemia of the right testis and epididymis consistent with orchitis and epididymitis
Ashley Davidoff MD 133157

Doppler US in the transverse plane through the right testis shows absent vascularity in the testis with mild heterogeneity consistent with infarction of the right testis.  There is increase vascularity in the tail of the epididymis
Ashley Davidoff MD 133221

Axial CT scan through the scrotal sacs bilaterally show enlargement of the right epididymis (red arrow) and normal left epididymis (white arrow), infarcted right testis (black arrow) and normal left testis (yellow arrow).
Ashley Davidoff MD 133237b01
Coronal reconstruction of the CT scan of the pelvis shows hyperemic and enlarged spermatic cord, (orange arrow), enlargement of the right epididymis (red arrow) and normal left epididymis (white arrow)
Ashley Davidoff MD 133237b02